Wednesday, June 24, 2009


really stupid people out there that California, in it's infinite wisdom, has trusted with a driver's license. Or maybe not.....

Dental polisher has dye in it. Luckily, my hygenist checked the box before using it on me. She did however use pumice. Isn't that what people use on their toilets?

There's naked man standing behind me whining about how bad he golfed today. While telling me at the same time how much fun he had. Go figure.

Arnold is rejecting the Democrats proposed budget because it increases taxes on oil and tobacco companies. Can you say special interests?

California is looking at opening up the ocean area around Santa Barbara for oil drilling. It isn't going to solve their/our problems.

I spent the day watch demos for a new IT system. At 4:15 when they started talking "platforms" and "architecture" I left. I have two more days of demos to go.

Loved last night's NCIS with the Christmas theme.

Last week's temperature averaged mid-80's. It was 101 today, Summer has arrived. I'm spending the weekend with an air conditioner.

Peace, what a concept.

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